wolfbrook@yahoo.com 269-365-8608 Fennville Michigan
The services listed on this page can be utilized in person or long distance, except for ear candling.
To make an appointment for a long-distance or in person service please click this link:
See the PRODUCT page for physical products.

EFT (Tapping) Often Works Where Nothing Else Will. EFT breathes fresh air into the healing process by borrowing from the Chinese meridian system. While acupuncture, acupressure and the like have been primarily focused on physical ailments, EFT also addresses emotional issues. It gets to the root cause of the issue.
In person: Initial Consult (90 min) $65; $45/hour after
Online: $60/hour

Reiki is a form of energy healing and can be used long distance or in person. For more information, please visit the Reiki page.
In-person: $65/hr. Long distance, rates vary. Please see the Online Booking page to schedule an appointment or call or email.

Bach Flower remedies were discovered by Dr. Edward Bach, a British Homeopath and M.D. during the 1930s.
This system is a gentle yet powerful natural system for addressing 38 different emotional types.
After answering a questionnaire, I will blend your personal remedies into a 1 ounce dropper bottle. This will last the average user one month. Then a re-evaluation and another questionnaire is scheduled to determine your progress.
$35 for a 1 ounce bottle.

Chakra Balancing is an ancient and gentle way of getting the body back in order.
Chakras are energy centers in the human body; each corresponds to different glands and governs specific parts of the physical body and areas of the psyche. Chakras are located deep within the center of the physical body next to a hormonal gland along the spinal column. Chakras draw in the divine life-force energy from the universe and distribute this vital energy to the physical glands and organs throughout the body and bloodstream specific to obtaining optimum health and well-being. Chakras are considered to be interrelated and affect one another, therefore achieving optimum balance. When these Chakras are balanced, they provide a state of total well-being emotionally and physically. Often Chakras are thought to be influenced by negative thoughts that also negatively affect the chakras’ ability to function correctly leading them to become dirty, shrunken, or swollen.
When our chakras are balanced, maximum vitality and health is experienced. Physical or emotional trauma will affect the corresponding chakra.
In-person: $75/hour. $45 half hour Long distance: $67/hour. Please see the
Book Online page or email me.

Ear Candling -- One ear candle per ear is used. Includes a facial and neck massage.
Cost: $40 Two candles per ear $60.
In person only.

Life Transformation Strategy
An unique form of holistic life coaching, designed to meet your specific needs with real solutions. Sometimes we are in such a bad spot in life that we can barely get out of bed in the morning. More than simply offering a plan, I will guide you through steps specific to your situation and offer proven solutions.
This service is great for individuals, couples, groups, and businesses.
​Do you want to:​
Be comfortable with your body?
Stop a bad habit?
Stop crying so easily?
Get a great job?
Have better relationships?
Discover what you really want in life?
Heal from Anything Else you need but may not know?
Improve your work performance?
Increase your business and make it more successful?
I can get you to free yourself from your past and ignite your future!